October 2019: Dr. Sarkar co-organized a symposium “Bioinformatics: Research & Application” symposium, Texas A&M University,
Ogunlusi, O.*, Ghosh, A*., Sarkar, M.*, Carter, K., Davuluri, H., Chakraborty, M., Eckel-Mahan, K., Keene, A., Menet, J,.S., Bell-Pedersen, D., Sarkar, TR. Rhythm is essential: Unraveling the relation between the circadian clock and cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 2025. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2025.104632
Ogunlusi, O.*, Sarkar, M.*, Chakrabarti, A., Boland, D., Nguyen, T., Sampson., J., Nguyen, C., Falis, D., Jones-Hall, Y., Fu, L., Mallick., B., Keene, A., Jones, J., Sarkar, TR. Circadian rhythm disruption alters mammary gland morphology and accelerates cold aggressive tumorigenesis through a LILRB4-dependent pathway. BioRxiv. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.19.585534 (*= contributed equally)
Werden SJ, Sphyris N, Sarkar T. R., Paranjape AN, LaBaff AM, Taube JH, Hollier BG, Ramirez-Pea EQ, Soundararajan R, den Hollander P, Powell E, Echeverria GV, Miura N, Chang JT, Piwnica-Worms H, Rosen JM, Mani SA. Phosphorylation of serine 367 of FOXC2 by p38 regulates ZEB1 and breast cancer metastasis, without impacting primary tumor growth. Oncogene. 2016 Nov 17;35(46):5977-5988.
Mitra S, Federico L, Zhao W, Dennison J, Sarkar T. R., Zhang F, Takiar V, Cheng KW, Mani S, Lee JS, Mills GB. Rab25 acts as an oncogene in luminal B breast cancer and is causally associated with Snail driven EMT. Oncotarget. 2016 Jun 28;7(26):40252-40265.
Devaiah SP, Owens DK, Sibhatu MB, Sarkar T. R., Strong CL, Mallampalli VK, Asiago J, Cooke J, Kiser S, Lin Z, Wamucho A, Hayford D, Williams BE, Loftis P, Berhow M, Pike LM, McIntosh CA. Identification, Recombinant Expression, and Biochemical Analysis of Putative Secondary Product Glucosyltransferases from Citrus paradisi. J Agric Food Chem. 2016 Mar 9;64(9):1957-69.
Sarkar T. R., Battula VL, Werden SJ, Vijay GV, Ramirez-Pea EQ, Taube JH, Chang JT, Miura N, Porter W, Sphyris N, Andreeff M, Mani SA. GD3 synthase regulates epithelial- mesenchymal transition and metastasis in breast cancer. Oncogene. 2015 Jun 4;34(23):2958- 67.
Sphyris N, Sarkar T. R., Battula VL, Andreeff M, Mani SA. GD2 and GD3 synthase: novel drug targets for cancer therapy. Mol Cell Oncol. 2015 Mar 9;2(3):e975068.
Putluri N, Maity S, Kommagani R, Creighton CJ, Putluri V, Chen F, Nanda S, Bhowmik SK, Terunuma A, Dorsey T, Nardone A, Fu X, Shaw C, Sarkar T. R., Schiff R, Lydon JP, O’Malley BW, Ambs S, Das GM, Michailidis G, Sreekumar A. Pathway-centric integrative analysis identifies RRM2 as a prognostic marker in breast cancer associated with poor survival and tamoxifen resistance. Neoplasia. 2014 May;16(5):390-402.
Malouf GG*, Taube JH*, Lu Y, Sarkar T. R., Panjarian S, Estecio MR, Jelinek J, Ya- mazaki J, Raynal N, Long H, Tahara T, Tinnirello A, Ramachandran P, Zhang X-Y, Liang S, Mani SA and Issa J-P. Architecture of Epigenetic Reprogramming Following Twist1 Mediated Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition. Genome Biology. 2013 Dec 24;14(12):R144. . (* = Equal contribution)
Brett G. Hollier, Agata A. Tinnirello, Steven J. Werden, Kurt W. Evans, Joseph H. Taube, Sarkar T. R., Nathalie Sphyris, Maryam Shariati, Sreedevi V. Kumar, Jason I. Herschkowitz, Rudy Guerra, Jeffrey T. Chang, Naoyuki Miura, Jeffrey M. Rosen and Sendurai A. Mani. FOXC2 is Necessary for Cancer Stem Cell Traits in Breast Cancer. Cancer Research, 2013, 15;73(6):1981-92 .
Sarkar T. R., Sharan S., Wang J., Pawar SA., Cantwell CA., Johnson PF., Morrison DK., Wang JM., and Sterneck E. Identification of a Src Tyrosine Kinase/SIAH2 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Pathway That Regulates C/EBP Expression and Contributes to Transformation of Breast Tumor Cells. MCB, 2012. 32(2):320-3.
Wang J., Sarkar T. R., Sharan S., Zhou M., Veenstra T-D., Morrison D., Huang A-M., and E. Sterneck. C/EBPdelta-mediated nuclear import of FANCD2 by IPO4 augments cellular response to DNA damage. PNAS, 2010. 107(37):16131-6.
Pawar S∗, Sarkar T. R.∗, Balamurugan K, Sharan S, Wang J, Zhang Y, Dowdy S, Huang A, and E. Sterneck. C/EBP Targets Cyclin D1 for Proteasome-mediated Degradation via induction of Cdc27/APC3 expression. PNAS, 2010. 107(20):9210-5 (* = Equal contribution)
Sarkar T. R. and Irudayaraj J. Carboxyl-coated magnetic nanoparticles for mRNA isolation and extraction of supercoiled plasmid DNA. Analytical Biochemistry, 2008, 1;379(1):130-2.
Dey S, Murmu N, Mondal T, Saha I, Chatterjee S, Manna R, Haldar S, Dash SK, Sarkar T.R., Giri B. Multifaceted entrancing role of glucose and its analogue, 2-deoxy-D-glucose in cancer cell proliferation, inflammation, and virus infection. Biomedical Pharmacotherapy, 2022. 156:113801.
Rajput, S., Deo, K.A., Mathur, T., Lokhande, G., Singh, A., Sun, A., Alge, D. L., Jain, A, Sarkar, T.R., Gaharwar, A. 2D Nanosilicate for additive manufacturing: Rheological modifier, sacrificial ink and support bath. Bioprinting, 2022. 25(2):e00187
Sphyris N., King, C, Hoar, J, Vijay G., Miura N., Werden S., Gaharwar, A.K., Sarkar T. R. Carcinoma cells that have undergone an epithelial-mesenchymal transition differentiate into endothelial cells. Oncotarget, 2021, 12, 823–844. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.27940.
Featured in Eureka Alert (AAAS) (https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/687154)
Featured in Medicine Innovates (https://medicineinnovates.com/carcinoma-undergone-epithelial-mesenchymal-transition-differentiate-into-endothelial-cells- contribute-to-tumor-growth/)
Maity, AK., Lee, S-C., Hu, L., Bell-Pedersen., D., Mallick, BK, Sarkar T. R. Significant Circadian Gene Selection for Time-to-event Phenotype by Integrating CNV and RNAseq Data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2021, 212, 104276.
Sarkar T.R., Niu, Y, Mallick, B.K., Wu, G. Intakes of amino acids and other nutrients by adult humans. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2021, 1332:211-227.
Bollong MJ, Pietilä M, Pearson AD, Sarkar TR, Ahmad I, Soundararajan R, Lyssiotis CA, Mani SA, Schultz PG, Lairson LL. A vimentin binding small molecule leads to mitotic disruption in mesenchymal cancers. PNAS. 2017 Nov 14;114(46)
Taube JH, Sphyris N, Johnson KS, Reisenauer KN, Nesbit TA, Joseph R, Vijay GV, Sarkar TR, et al. The H3K27me3-demethylase KDM6A is suppressed in breast cancer stem-like cells, and enables the resolution of bivalency during the mesenchymal-epithelial transition. Oncotarget. 2017 Sep 12;8(39):65548-65565.
Pearson, S, Sarkar, T.R, McQueen, C, Elswood, J, Schmitt, E, Wall, SW, Scribner, K, Wyatt, G, Mouneimne, R.B, Behbod, F, Rijnkels, M, Porter, W,P. ATM-dependent activation of SIM2 regulates homologous recombination and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Oncogene, 2019, 38(14):2611-2626.
Sarkar TR#, Maity AK, Niu Y, Mallick BK. Multiple Omics Data Integration to Identify Long Noncoding RNA Responsible for Breast Cancer-Related Mortality. Cancer Inform. 2019;18:1176935119871933. (#Corresponding author)
Vijay G.V., Hollander P.D., Toneff M., Joseph R. , Pietila M., Taube J., Sarkar T.R., Pena E.R., Sobieski M., Stephen C., Sphyris N., Miura N., Navin N., Davis P., Chang J., Soundarajan R., Rosen J., Mani S.A., 2019 GSK3β regulates epithelial-mesenchymal- transition and cancer stem cell properties and is a novel drug target for triple-negative breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research, 2019, 21(1):37
McQueen CM, Schmitt EE, Sarkar TR, Elswood J, Metz RP, Earnest D, Rijnkels M, Porter WW. PER2 regulation of mammary gland development. Development. 2018 Mar 14;145(6).
Giri.,B. #, Sarkar, T.R. # Targeting Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition: a Critical Prerequisite to Manage Cancer Stem Cell Fate and Metastasis. Journal of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, 2018, 4(1):25. (#=corresponding author) .
Carrow, J.K., Singh, K.A., Jaiswal, M.K., Ramirez, A., Lokhande, G., Yeh, A., Sarkar, T.R., Singh, I., Gaharwar, A.K. Photothermal modulation of human stem cells using light-responsive 2D materials. PNAS, 2020, 117(24):13329-13338.
Maity, A.K, Lee, S.C., Mallick, B.K., Sarkar, T.R. Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling in Multiple Omics Data with Application to Circadian Genes. Bioinformatics, 2020, 36(13):3951-3958
Nguyen, T, Maniyar, A, Sarkar, M. Sarkar, T.R*., Neelgund, G.*, The cytotoxicity of hydroxyapatite deposited on carbon nanotubes and graphene against breast cancer cell. Nanomaterials, 2023, 30;13(3):556. doi: 10.3390/nano13030556. *= Corresponding authors.
Sarkar, M., Nguyen, T., Gundre, E., Ogunlusi, O, El-Sobky, M., Giri, B., Sarkar. T.R. Cancer Associated Fibroblast: The Chief Architect of tumor microenvironment. Frontiers in Cell & Developmental Biology, 2023, 22, https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2023.1089068.